The Tester Journey

Anyone can sign up online, and receive instructions on how to become a tester for IncluCity Calgary.
An email will be sent to you, guiding you through the registration process.
You will be asked to fill out a registration form.

2. You're in!
3. Participate in Testing Sessions
You'll be added to our pool of testers from across Calgary.
Stay tuned for an email when we have a testing opportunity for you!
When we have a suitable testing opportunity that's right for you, we'll contact you to set up a test in a safe comfortable place around Calgary or online.
Tests range in length, but usually fall between 30 minutes and an hour.

4. After the Test
After you've completed the test you'll be paid for your efforts and time.
We'll also contact you with updates on the service you tested so that you can see how your input made a difference.
We'll nudge you again when we have other testing opportunities for you!

We want to hear from you,
Join our pool of testers!
If you'd like to test products and services with IncluCity Calgary in the future, fill out the form below and we'll let you know as soon as we're ready for more testers!