Sydney Harder
Feb 23, 2023
IncluCity Joins Immigrant Services Calgary's Gateway Program
We are excited to announce that IncluCity has partnered with Immigrant Services Calgary's Gateway Program to support newcomers in navigating the complex settlement system in Calgary.
Our mission at IncluCity is to include diverse voices to provide feedback on services and solutions in Calgary. As part of this mission, we are offering paid testing sessions for individuals who want to engage with products and services in Calgary, share their unique perspectives to improve technology, increase their digital literacy, and get paid for their time and insights.

Our Involvement:
Newcomers can sign up through the Gateway Portal Referral Program. Once registered, the individual will become part of our pool of testers. When there are opportunities to participate in 30-60 minute testing sessions, IncluCity will make contact and schedule sessions online or in-person at a time that works for the individual. We will schedule any support they may need to attend the session, such as childcare, access to a computer, or transit costs. During the testing session, a test facilitator will ask the tester to perform a series of tasks with a product or service (such as a website) and 'think aloud' while doing so. After the testing session, IncluCity will share the feedback with the developer of that product or service to improve its functionality.
Interested in becoming a tester for IncluCity? You can sign up on our website here.

Gateway, a collaboration among organizations launched in 2021, brings together over 65 community partners to provide newcomers with a unique plan based on their dreams, goals, skills, and priorities. With over 1,000 programs and services available and support staff who speak 38 different languages, Gateway ensures that language and cultural barriers are eliminated, and newcomers are connected to the best-fit services in the community. 60% of newcomers in Canada are not accessing the services they need, and in a recent Calgary survey, 80% of those not accessing services were unaware or confused about the available support.
IncluCity recognizes that there are many complex barriers for newcomers, and is committed to including their perspectives through our usability testing sessions. We believe that partnering with Immigrant Services Calgary's Gateway Program will make a significant difference in helping newcomers to build thriving lives in their new home. We are proud to support this initiative and to be a part of a community that is dedicated to welcoming and supporting newcomers.
To learn more about Immigrant Services Calgary and their Gateway Program, visit their website: https://www.immigrantservicescalgary.ca/our-impact/#collaborations